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Company updates

Patent Filed

We’re delighted to have submitted a patent application for our production technology, and we now await the outcome. As soon as we have an update, we will share this with you.

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Recycling paper still results in masses of unusable secondary sludge waste, which is costly and increasingly difficult for recycling plants. Meanwhile, environmentally sustainable building materials are in high demand. EnviraBoard not only addresses both of these issues with one solution,… Read More »Watch our short video

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Recycling paper still results in masses of unusable secondary sludge waste, which is costly and increasingly difficult for recycling plants. Meanwhile, environmentally sustainable building materials are in high demand. EnviraBoard not only addresses both of these issues with one solution,… Read More »Watch our video

EnviraBoard Preps for Launch

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Over the last 15 years, Enviraboard has invested, developed, developed, prototyped, developed and market tested their carbon negative building boards. The boards are made from secondary paper waste that cannot be recycled and would normally go to landfill costing each… Read More »EnviraBoard Preps for Launch

sustainable investment

Funding from 4th July

EnviraBoard is a carbon negative, sustainable, building board which is strong, easy to work with, has strong technical performance, and is made from secondary paper waste that would otherwise end up in landfill. In line with EU legislation on waste… Read More »Funding from 4th July